I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Tourism, Conventions and Event Management from Indiana University which I earned attending the IUPUI campus. The TCEM program gave me a solid foundation for all I have done in my professional life. I remember how valuable it was when industry professionals would come in to speak to the classes I was taking in college. I remember so much from what those individuals shared and how much I was able to learn about different aspects of the industry. It is incredible to think that I am now the one offering up information about the path I took and my place in the industry.
Walking into the classroom, it was so nice to see my past professor and give her a hug. There were a few minutes to get acquainted with the other four ladies who were on the panel as well. Two of them I knew as we had gone through the program around the same time. The other two were new faces.
Just prior to the beginning of class, two other professors who had given me great inspiration during my college career strolled in and took a seat as well. It took a moment for me to take this in. These professors took time out of their day to sit through a class I was at the front of. Wow! How wonderful!
When the professor gave her class introduction, she indicated that this was the first time in her many years of teaching that she had an entirely female class. I looked around and saw it was true. There were 18 women sitting at the desks around the room. She said she had purposely sought out five industry professionals who were also women to talk to this class. How cool!
There's something so special about being in a group of women. This is something I've only realized in the last year. It may not surprise you to know that traditionally, I haven't understood the value in having close friends who are women. With my interests and attitude, men have been easier to be friends with.
Last year, I started reading some books that were written to speak to the hearts of women. (No, not 50 Shades of Grey... though I can greatly enjoy that kind of "women's book" too). I was amazed at how deeply I connected with those books. Because I am not the "typical" female in any way, shape or form, I anticipated the authors to have a hard time reaching me.
It really hit me while reading, Captivating by John & Stasi Eldredge. This little quote sums up the essence of the book quite well, "Every little girl holds in her heart her most precious dreams. She longs to be swept up into a romance, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, to be the beauty of the story. Those desires are far more than child's play. They are the secret to the feminine heart."
The book talks about the things that are truly at the core of a woman's heart. Despite what her interests are or how life has affected her, these things seem to be universal. Reading this book softened my heart and my attitude a bit. It made me realize that I don't have to be 100% tough all the time. I can have my guyish hobbies, but still be feminine at heart. What an incredible revelation.
Not only was did I become more passionate about the beauty of being a woman, but I suddenly felt a connection to other women. If the things I read were true of me, they must be true of other women as well. Maybe I had more in common with them than I ever realized. I now consider it a blessing to have the opportunity to share time and experiences with the women in my life.
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