Monday, December 3, 2012

Random Sightings, Adventures and Humor

This past Saturday I went north to do some deer hunting.  The day came and went without a single deer sighting, much less an opportunity to get a shot off on one.  But nonetheless it was a great day filled with fun, humor and random sightings.

On Friday night I drove up to Marion, IN which is near the location I was going to hunt on Saturday.  I got a hotel room there and got everything prepared so I could make a quick and early exit to get to the stand before the sun started to come up.  I really didn't think much about carrying a shotgun case into a hotel while in my pj's with wet hair and no makeup until I was halfway through the lobby and there were people looking at me from multiple directions.  What are ya gonna do?

When I got back to the room, I changed the barrel on my shotgun.  I haven't used my rifled barrel or scope this year so I wanted to get reacquainted with it.  I was reviewing the settings on my scope by looking through it at the order confirmation board at the Taco Bell down the street.  I then realized if anyone drove by and happened to notice me up in the window I probably looked like a sniper.  I have my moments.  I'll tell you what though... I had a great shot at that confirmation screen.  I was feeling confident.  After that I closed the curtains and practiced some shooting positions.

Fun Fact:  My shotgun has a name.  It's Dolly.

On Saturday, after the morning hunt, there was a breakfast/ lunch break.  Driving into town I passed a house and saw a man, dressed as an elf, driving a gator.  I wish I'd of gotten a picture.

When I arrived at the little hole-in-the-wall restaurant in Wabash, IN, I opened the menu and found an item that was a done deal based on the name.  It was called The Cannonball.  Get it?  The Wasbash Cannonball?  If you don't get it, Wabash Cannonball is a very old song that's been recorded by many many artists.  I put the Johnny Cash version below in case you're interested.

The breakfast version of the Wabash Cannonball.  3 eggs, sausage, hash browns, biscuits and gravy and toast. And I ate every last bit of it!
Can I pause for a moment from the weird sighting stories and tell you about something I witnessed during breakfast that absolutely warmed my heart?  I don't know if I can paint the picture well enough to make you understand how beautiful this was, but I'll try.  There was a table a few feet away with a dad and his two kids.  The daughter was likely around 10 and the son perhaps 4.  Before their food came, the dad went down to the bathroom and left the kids at the table (keep in mind it's a tiny town so this is ok).  While he was away, the waitress brought the food to the table.  As she sat it down, she asked the little boy if he wanted her to cut up his pancakes for him so he could start eating.  You should've seen how happy that little boy was.  She got everything cut up and asked if he wanted syrup on them too.  He did.  She poured the syrup all over them until he finally told her it was enough.  I don't know if it's just me, but there was something so touching about watching this simple act of kindness.  It warmed my heart.

I found the little diner's blog/ website.  If you're ever in Wabash, check out Joe's Diner!

Following breakfast, I was leaving the parking lot of the restaurant and saw something you don't see much anymore.  A payphone!  I couldn't resist taking a picture with it.  The best part was, when I picked it up, there was a dial tone!  I'm not used to hearing that sound.

I stopped off at a cute little country store that I enjoy browsing when I'm up that way and had one final random sighting during the lunch break.  As I got back in the truck, I looked to my right and saw a blue van next to me that appeared to be driven by a dalmatian!

The last story from the hunting trip comes from the drive home in the evening.  Dinner was at a Subway in a gas station somewhere near Marion.  There were four tables to eat at.  As we were eating, my friend informs me there is a mouse running around under the soda machine behind me.  I look and giggle a bit and continue eating.  Soon, a teenage boy and his girlfriend walk in and decide to get sodas.  They then stand in front of the soda machine texting for a couple of minutes.  At that point my friend says to me, "watch this," and I know what's coming.  He tells this teenage girl there is a mouse right by her hip and we laughed hysterically as she jumped out of her skin.

What a great day for random humorous sightings.  I'm so happy for the opportunity to share them with you too.

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