Saturday, November 24, 2012

It Just Doesn't Bother Me

I was once dating a guy who would get so irritated with me for not putting things away, especially the trash cans on trash day.  See, I put the cans out at the end of the driveway in the morning, then when I get home from work in the evening, I sometimes drive right past the empty cans, pull in the garage and never bring them in.  In fact, there are times when they’ll sit out there until the next trash day and I will refill them right there at the end of the driveway.  It would drive this guy so crazy that he would bring them in when he came to visit.  Apparently, at some point he stopped bringing them in (which I never noticed).

One day he came over and told me he’d had a revelation.  He said he would always get so mad because he thought I was just lazy.  (Let me pause here to tell you he never expressed these frustrations to me until this day)  He thought I wanted him to do it for me.  Then, after he stopped doing it and me never noticing that it wasn't done, he realized it wasn’t laziness at all.  It was simply that it didn’t bother me.   How right he was!

I’m that way with a lot of things.  Things that would bother other people to no end just don’t faze me.  In fact, I wouldn’t even be aware of them if no one ever pointed it out.  

I was reminded of this last night when my grama got out of mom and dad's car and spilled potato chips on my driveway.  Grama and mom were all in a frenzy trying to pick them up and telling me to get a broom and apologizing.  I was baffled by this.  I told them to just leave it alone and come inside.  The neighbors have cats and dogs that run around who would likely have it cleaned up by morning.  It was remarkably difficult to get them to leave it.  

You'd be amazed at how many things just don't bother me.


  1. I hear ya. I'm the same way and some people might say I'm a pushover, but I'm not. Im not bothered by many things, but when I am, lookout!

    Great post. I love the relationship insights.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Have a wonderful weekend!
