Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Little Bit Loco

This is my buddy, Elton.

I'm really a pretty unique woman.  I got to thinking about that a few weeks ago after my boss asked me to do this little trick where I suck the cherry off the top of my milkshake through the plastic dome lid.  Long story.  Anyway, I obliged and pulled my little trick and he said, "Ashley, you are a weird one, but that's what we like about you!"

I'd have to agree.  I am very much... well... me!  It's not the first time I've been accused of being a little weird, unique, different, etc.  I'm really rather happy about that fact.  The little things that make me who I am are things that make me happy.  I think we all have lots of those little quirks, but many people chose not to show them to the world.  In my case, I put them out there with pride.  In the way I talk, act, the things I do, what I post to social media... and the list goes on.

Highlights of the craziness that is Ashley:

  • I take off my shoes when I'm a passenger in the car.  And I forget to put them on until the car is parked and it's time to get out.  I'm always the last one out of the car.
  • I crank up the music in my house and put on mini concerts when no one is around.  I'll use any object that's handy as a pretend microphone.
  • I've got as dirty & sexual a mind as any man!
  • I cry out of love or happiness very easily.
  • I sleep with stuffed animals.  One of them even travels with me.  They all have names.  
  • I get emotionally attached to inanimate things and sometimes pretend I can hurt their feelings or make them happy.  I know it's silly, but it's true.
  • I think old people are the cutest things.  Especially the little old men.  I want to pack them up and take them home when I see them out and about.
  • I let my house get to be such a mess I can barely walk through certain rooms and it really doesn't phase me.  Then one day I'll get the itch to clean it up and I will work my butt off to get it spic and span again.
  • I'll talk to just about anyone.  Wrong numbers, random people in public, anyone who's willing to talk to me basically.  I've had some great, in-depth conversations with total strangers on countless occasions.  Put me in a busy campground on a nice summer day and I will walk from trailer to trailer just meeting everyone!
  • I take the furniture out of my living room at Christmas time to make room for 13 Christmas trees that make up a forest.
  • I wiggle my butt when I get excited.  Kind of like a dog wags its tail.
Just call me crazy!

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