It is New Years Day. As others make resolutions and think about the fresh start of a new year, I'm remarkably unmoved by the whole thing. On New Year's Eve, like on all other nights, the sun set and rose again to begin a new day. The truth is, in my opinion, the date isn't what determines an opportunity for a fresh start. You chose when you want a fresh start and you decide what that means to you.
Today, I have no actual resolutions. I don't feel any different than I did yesterday. It's no secret that 2012 was an incredibly difficult year for me. With my grandparents in and out of hospitals and nursing homes every few weeks, friends and family going through major life changes and struggles, relationships coming and going... and on and on... I cried many tears, lost a lot of sleep, drove hundreds (maybe thousands) of miles to be with my loved ones in their times of need and somehow lived to tell about it.
I'm writing to you today from a Starbucks. My heart led me here today and I'm not sure why. Something about a change of scenery and a hot beverage seemed like a lovely escape and that it is. On my drive over here, a Jo Dee Messina song was randomly selected by my beloved iPod and filled my car with a tune I haven't heard in a long time. It's a song called "That's The Way." I'd like to share a few lines with you:
My dreams fell out of the clear blue sky
And I was lost in the clouds
Feeling so safe and sound
Then something else knocks me down
That's the way it is
You've gotta roll with the punches
That's the way it goes
You've gotta bend when the wind blows
You live you learn
You crash and burn
It's hit or miss and that's the way it is
Isn't that the way it is sometimes? It sure has been for me. The line, "you've gotta roll with the punches" struck a chord with me tonight. I understand the meaning of the idiom, but began to wonder where such a phrase came from. Well, by the glory of Google, I figured it out!
Appropriately enough, the act of "rolling with the punches" relates to boxing. It is a technique in which a boxer moves or rolls away from a punch to avoid a direct hit and if they still take the hit, hopefully by moving away, the power of the blow will be lessened. (Info found here)
If 2012 taught me anything, it was how to roll with the punches. I learned to see more clearly, make better decisions and effectively be there for others during the most difficult struggles. Through all of the challenges I faced in the past year, I never stopped dreaming and never stopped finding things to make me feel like I was really living. There were times when I felt so loved and had so much gratitude that I couldn't contain my joy. There were also times when stopping the flow of my tears seemed like an impossible task.
This is sounding kind of bleak, isn't it? Hang in there, it's really a message of hope. I promise!
I started out this post by telling you I believe you have the power to make a fresh start any day, any time. If today really is the day for your fresh start, I wish you the very best, from the bottom of my heart. If you came up a resolution so just so you will have an answer when someone asks you what your resolution is, don't worry if it doesn't work out for you. When you're ready to make a change in your life, make it. Don't worry about the date.
My hope for you in this new year is that you will bend when the wind blows and roll with the punches. Life is sure to throw some punches at each of us this year, but if you can see it coming, do what you can to move out of the way and minimize the blow. If you can't see it coming, lean on those close to you. Find help in whatever form you need it. Know that every troublesome experience is only a moment in time. It will pass. Someone told me that last year and it has become a mantra of sorts for me. It has proven true 100% of the time. I hope you will remember it as well. It has made a world of difference for me.
Finally, in those glorious moments when there's not a proverbial fist attempting to to deliver a whopping blow to you, take a moment to smell the roses. Go for a walk, have a cup of coffee and catch up on some reading, set out to achieve something, cross something off your bucket list, lay around and watch movies with someone close to you... anything that brings joy to your heart. Things are never perfect, but when there is a moment to breathe, take it. Enjoy it. Savor it. Smile. There's a lot of good out there. Really there is. And you have an opportunity to be a part of it.
Thought for the day: The more time you spend trying to figure life out, the less time you spend actually living.
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